EX-Tarifário em Inglês



It is a benefit granted by the ME through the Secretariat of Industry, Commerce, Services and Innovation Development (SDIC), which gives - TEMPORARY REDUCTION RATE of IMPORT TAX usually set from 14% to ZERO% - within 24 months, for Capital Goods (BK) and Information and Technology and Telecommunications Goods (IITG), and AUTO PARTS, with no equivalent domestic production. 


A) Increase of the domestic industry productivity with the integration of high-performance goods; 

B) infrastructure creation for the increase of new technologies;

C) Creation of infrastructure to support export; 

D) Creation  of competitiveness on the import market; 

E) Investment in capital goods (CG), Information and Technology and Telecommunications Goods (IITG); 

F) Enables an increase in innovation by companies from different segments of the economy; 

G) Reduction of the cost of the tax chain impacting the final cost of the imported goods; 

H) Produces a domino effect of jobs and income for different segments of the national economy; 

I) Enables increased investment in capital goods (CG), Information and Technology and Telecommunications Goods (IITG), and AUTO PARTS; 

Destaques da Portaria 309 EX Matéria Prima & Produtos de Base Autopeças - Resolução CAMEX 61 Economia de um Ex-Tarifário Modelos de Pleito para Ex-Tarifário Produção Nacional Descrição Técnica Funcional para um Ex-Tarifário Fluxos & Prazos de um Ex-Tarifário Ex-Tarifário em Inglês