Ex Tariff and Custons


We must never assume that once the Ex Tariff are approved that everything is resolved, the SHORT DESCRIPTION can be a complicating factor in CLEARANCE - The RFB (Brazilian Customs) can confront it with the PL (packing-list), BL, published catalog and contents of the container(s) if there is any information discrepancy penalties may be applied. 

In case this happens, there is a risk of losing the Ex Tariff, and/or a fine because of the inconsistent description with the displayed merchandise. Combining the fact that the storage and inspection (usually RED channel for EX) of the RFB and certified engineer will eventually in time and money lost. 


 The INSPECTION of RFB can check the description of the Ex contained in the COMMERCIAL INVOICE with.:

1)      Packing List - The list in this document is also useful for this purpose, where a significant presence PL may be displayed on the target of confrontation with the description of EX. Thus, we must adjust the information in the DESCRIPTION EX / COMMERCIAL INVOICE with the PL, where there must not have differences.

2) Commercial Invoice - Can be confronted with the memorial or catalog where the technical description of EX. will be the target of engineer accredited by the RFB.

3) Memorial or catalog - The RFB can request the published catalog and confront the commercial invoice, then it is very important that the information in the catalog or memorial is consistent with the description of EX contained in the bill.

4) MERCHANDISE CHECK -IN680 - The RFB can make a direct verification if the information or images available requested in art.29, are not sufficient for these purposes.  


There may be request (along the RFB through IN680) (link) for total or partial verification of their EQUIPMENT in the establishment of the importer or other suitable place:

(a) when equipment with large dimensions are dismantled and whose identity depends on its mounting; 

(b) the enclosure does not have technical conditions, security, and storage and handling capability to perform conference; 

Note: If your equipment will be monitored in their industry, care should be taken, for the supervision of the RFB will certainly accompanied by an engineer, which crush detail and confront with the CATALOGUE or MEMORIAL PUBLISHED and PACKING LIST.  

Destaques da Portaria 309 EX Matéria Prima & Produtos de Base Autopeças - Resolução CAMEX 61 Economia de um Ex-Tarifário Modelos de Pleito para Ex-Tarifário Produção Nacional Descrição Técnica Funcional para um Ex-Tarifário Fluxos & Prazos de um Ex-Tarifário Ex-Tarifário em Inglês